Harnessing the Strength of Support and Human Connection

Harnessing the Strength of Support and Human Connection

Hi Guys! I’m back and I’m excited to share that I am hosting a FREE Group every Monday – Release, Receive, Relax with Teanna. Every Monday, you are cordially invited to: Join and discover a sanctuary of tranquility, thoughtfully designed to provide the community with a safe and nurturing environment for meditation, self-care, and relaxation. Within this unique group, you’ll

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What’s wrong with today? 3 Ways to start your morning off right.

What’s wrong with today? 3 Ways to start your morning off right.

Do you wake up with great intentions start your day off and find an excuse to put something off until tomorrow? OMG! That was the story of my life. Oh, I was a pro at finding something else to do in place of what I was actually supposed to doing. Yep, story of my past life until shit never really

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