If you don’t set goals your silly, straight out. Have you sat down and wrote down your goals lately? And I’m not talking about 10 goals that you wrote out on a piece of paper or in one of your many journals when you were feeling some type of way that you never went back to look at. You know what I’m talking about, the goals you wrote down that you never look at, that you never really focus on, it just felt good to write them down because it made you feel good like you were doing something. Yep those.
Throw them away. Start over. Don’t even look back.
Take some time to think about where you are now and where you want to be. The answer is more than likely different than what you would have said 6 months ago I’m sure.
Writing goals is one thing and it feels amazing when you right them down. You have the inspiration and motivation in that moment where you can conquer anything. Then 24 hours pass and reality sets in. Are you still fired up? Are you still ready to tackle that thing like you’ve never tackled anything before? The answer could be yes, but a lukewarm yes. Not that ON FIRE yes, like the prior 24 hours.
Guess what that’s normal. It happens to the best of us.
Reality has set in because to really see that thing come to pass you must get to work. You must do some things you are probably not use to doing. You are going to have to stretch yourself and really get conscious of what you’re doing, when you’re doing it and how you’re doing it to really knock this goal out.
It’s called FOCUS and CONSISTENCY. They are both easier said than done.
You will be tired. You will be and get frustrated. There will be times when you want to give up. You will fail before you succeed. BUT will you keep going?
Most people start the year off with an extensive list of New Year’s Resolutions that they never end up doing anything with. Statistics don’t lie – according to research by the University of Scranton, 92 percent of people that set New Year’s goals never actually achieve them. Are you one of those people? We’ve all been there and done that, I’ll be the first to raise my hand! I’ve been there and done that, so I know how it feels to be excited about a goal but have no follow through or execution.
Here’s what I’ve found out. If the goals you are setting don’t challenge you, they won’t change you. This is one of the reasons why easy or vague goals rarely get met. When you set S.M.A.R.T. – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound goals you will have so much more clarity and your chances of hitting the mark increases dramatically.

Check out These 4 Ways to Set and Achieve Your Goals
1. Get Passionate. Set goals that mean something to you, things that you are passionate about. We talked about the 92% who fail at accomplishing their goals. The 8% that get shit done, do so because they are passionate and committed. And when creating your goals ask yourself what is your level of commitment to achieving it? What obstacles do you foresee and if you should come up against that obstacle what will you do? Every morning take a few minutes to check in with yourself and take a look a look at your goals so you can focus, plan and execute.
2. Kick Fear in the ASS. This should probably be number one since it’s one of the first things that keep folks stuck. Fear is an emotion that keeps us safe, stagnant and within our comfort zone. Decide if staying in your comfort zone is serving you – 9 times out of 10 it’s not.
3. Get an accountability partner. Yep, get someone to help hold you accountable for the things you say you want to accomplish and check in regularly. Having an accountability partner can be powerful and life-changing. There are too many people in this world who would love to mentor or advise you. Think about 3 to 4 people who you think will be great candidates and reach out to them.
4. Read. Reading is fundamental and having a reading schedule can and will keep you inspired and motivated. It will open you up to new concepts you never would have thought of, it helps with self-improvement, prepare you to act and provide with examples of what not to do in some cases.

I’m Teanna LaNise, your new Personal & Professional Success Coach. My passion is working with individuals that have a passion to serve. I am a Medi-Cal Certified Peer Support Specialist, Certified Domestic Violence Counselor, Advocate and Trainer that uses trauma-informed care to support individuals 1-on-1 or in group settings navigate through this journey called life while providing resources and linkages to services along the way.
I know what it feels like to experience overwhelm, stress and burnout while running a business and taking care of family. Everything that I teach and share I’ve been through personally. From self-care, mental health challenges to business, branding, and marketing.
Let me, help you take care of yourself, you matter and should come first, contrary to other beliefs. When we are out of alignment, everything around us is out of alignment.
I have been working with current and aspiring product and service based business professionals for over 15 years who are at their wit’s end when it comes to branding themselves and marketing their products and services.
Let’s take this time and opportunity to become aware of where we are and what we need in order to show up for ourselves with more intention and consistency. I help professionals like you transform themselves and their brands in these core ways:
– Goal Setting, Mindset Mastery and Self-Care planning.
– Crafting the way you want to be perceived.
– Helping you solidify your expert status in your niche.
– Helping you build trust with your audience.
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